User Manual For DMS


DMS is web-based application that performs to manage your official as well as personal document through internet. This software is built on PHP version 5.6.4 with Laravel framework. As for the database DMS include MySQL server. This product provides a lot of features like role and permission, document management, backup, email and many more. Use of this system can be very handy and helpful as one can manage their document through some touch of fingers. For the User Installation Guideline, one can check blog on Installation of DMS on Local Machine(

First Step for the User Manual

For the access of the system, Users can use two methods  one can be local way of running in your devices and other one is through website link. To use the system, user can simply check our blogs related to installation of DMS(  First step of DMS is login and for the login, User should have email and password which is provided by us through email or comment down below your personal details i.e.(name, email etc.).  After user has login credential, User can access of the system. For the proper understanding, some screenshots are given:

1.     How to perform user login?

Step 1: Go through the system URL.

——Figure 1 URL for local——-

—–Figure 2 URL for online based system——-

Step 2: Enter the respective E-Mail Address

Step3:Enter the respective password

Step 4:Click the login button



Dashboard Introduction

Dashboard is the first view page of the system that you will see immediately after you log in .It generally holds many data. Users can see information of documents, users and many more. The below dashboard is for the super admin, which mean they have access to whole system. For the general information, User first needs to know about the sidebar buttons. Let us describe more about the buttons of sidebar briefly.


Dashboard generally shows many information about the system. User can see bar graph, total number of documents, User login and logout history, calendar and many more.

The visibility of these contents can be configured from widget module


Major Part of the system lies in this tag of side bar. User can create documents and use the functionality.  Documents are categorized in three format incoming documents, outgoing documents, and digitized documents.

A.Incoming Documents

Documents that flow in this system are basically documents that comes from different individual or organization which are to be recorded in the organization. First, user will view index part of incoming documents where every incoming document is listed.

How to add new Incoming Document? 

Step 1: Click ‘Add’ icon in Incoming document.

Step 2: Insert all the data in the fields.

Step 3: Then, Click “Save” Button.

And you have your document recorded in incoming documents. You can easily view, edit, mail or delete the documents whenever required just by clicking it’s respective button.

B.Outgoing Documents

Outgoing documents are those that are to be issued by the company for different purpose.  For the outgoing documents, User is given same index page where every outgoing document are listed.

User can select the template of documents and for the signature user should add their signature when they are getting registered or later can add the signature. Additional files can be used in the documents and User can use digital signature and dates in the template by clicking “click here to know accepted variables”

Users can send mail to any people with the copy of documents by clicking the send mail button.  Access of mailing the documents, editing and deleting the documents by the user can be controlled through Role Access Module.

How to add new Outgoing Document? 

Step 1: Press the ‘Add new’ icon and you are redirected to the add form where you can add all the details of outgoing documents.

Step 2: Insert all the data in the fields.

Step 3: And then Click “Save” Button

(If you do not click ‘issue letter’ before saving the document, then the document is only recorded in system as draft. But you click ‘issue letter’ and save the document, your document is formally issued with auto generated issue number. You cannot edit the already issued outgoing document)

C. Digitized Documents

This section documents stores digitized documents. Users can upload there any documents and give their valid information. User can be provided access of mailing the documents, editing and deleting the documents.


This a very unique features where end users can create new folders and keep or sort their documents according to folders. For the initial for the document creation, every document are saved in untitled folder. Users can easily drag and drop the documents. For deleting the folder , user can drag and drop the folder but they are not allowed to delete the folder that have documents inside them. For the edit User can click the edit icon of respective folder.

How to add new Folder? 

Step 1: Click on ‘Add New’ icon.

Step 2: Insert all the data in the fields.

Step 3: And then Click “Save” Button.

Step 4: Drag and Drop to dustbin icon to delete

Name Card

Name Card plays a vital role in DMS, Name Card is just like a business card which give a information of business. User can add name card with all their details, so that they could use the name card while working in the documents. Other functionality like Editing/ Updating and deleting can be provided as per the access.

How to add new Name Card? 

Step 1: Fill all the data at side form and click save to add new name card.

Step 2: To edit Click pencil icon.

Step 3: Click dustbin icon to delete.

(You can also directly import data in Name Card in bulk from excel using Tool module)


Institutions are organizations that are associated with end users’ organizations. Information of the institutions are provided so that they can be used while creating documents related to particular institutions.Other functionality like Editing/ Updating and deleting can be provided as per the access.

How to add new Institutions? 

Step 1: Fill all the data at side form and clicks save to add new institution.

Step 2: To edit Click pencil icon.

Step 3: Click dustbin icon to delete.

(You can also directly import data in Institution in bulk from excel using Tool module)


As per the flow of documents can be very high in any organizations, End Users should keep the remainder of documents, where this module can be very handy. User can add remainder to a document. User can use remainder while creating a document. Users are notified through a reminder icon present in top bar   or through the emails.

How to add new Remainder? 

Step 1: Press Add Button to add new remainders.
The particular remainder will be sent via mail in provided email address.

Step 2: To edit Click pencil icon.

Step 3: Click dustbin icon to delete.

Step 4: To View the details of remainder click view button.

You can also snooze the reminder by clicking view button and updating snoozing time in reminder


In this module user can create new users according to their designation and department. While creating the users, End Users should use valid email address as that particular email address will be receiving password for accessing the system. User can add their image and set signature for the documents.

How to add new Users? 

Step 1:Fill all the data at side form and click save to add new User.

Step 2:To edit Click pencil icon.

Step 3:Click dustbin icon to delete.

Step 4: Click Status button to change status

Step 5: Click Allow Access to change access.

Step 6: Check E-mail that you kept for the password.


One of the major parts of the DMS is roles section, In this section, User should have access.In this section user can add new menus, user group and give the roles access according to user group.


In the menus section user can add new section in the side bar. Adding the functionality is generally done by the developers. So users can basically add new menu but not their functionality and they can change name, URL, icon of the menu.

How to add new Menus? 

Step 1:Fill all the data at side form and click save to add new User.

Step 2:To edit Click pencil icon.

Step 3:Click dustbin icon to delete.

Step 4: To edit click status button (Active/ Inactive).


Only the super admin have access to add user group. This module is used for adding different user group as organization may have different level of human resource for providing them access to use the system’s features.

How to add new Groups? 

Step 1:Fill all the data at side form and click save to add new User.

Step 2:To edit Click pencil icon.

Step 3:Click dustbin icon to delete.

C. Role Access

This is key part of the system; User can give roles to group of users. Generally, users in the super admin group can give role to another user group. Super admin can provide access to read, write, edit or delete in any modules to any user group.

How to manage role access? 

Step 1: Select the user group whose access you want to change.

Step 2: Click Filter

Step 3: Change the button from OFF to ON in the module which you want to provide access to the respective user group.


A.Document Category

This module lets user to categories document. This helps in sorting of the documents in the system.


Departments are also used to sort the documents.

C. Designation

While creating the users, users need the designation. User can create new designation and assign it to users.

D.Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year can be very useful while sorting the documents and Users can get access to documents of current fiscal year.


During the creation of documents, Users can choose template of the document’s which are created from the template tag. Users can create their own document template with header and footer. Use of supported variable the valid data can be used.


Tags are basically used for the sorting of data.

G. Widget

Widget  (in configuration module) is used for configuring the access of content in widget module to the users. If a certain information is enable in configuration>> widget, the user  is able configure it through Widget Module. If a certain information is disable  in configuration>> widget, the user  cannot see it in Widget Mo.

H. Branding Configuration

Branding Configuration has a lot of thing in it. Logos, Header & Footer of documents, Letter Stamp, URL of organization, email etc. can be added.


In the UI, Users can see different UI which can be changed in the profile tab. But Super admin can change theme of the new users.

How to use functionality of UI? 

Step 1: To change the color of theme click the skins listed.

Step 2. To change Fixed layout,boxed layout or  toggle sidebar,click button to ON / OFF.

Step 3: And Refresh the system to see the change (By clicking Ctrl+R)


This module is basically for importing the bulk data for the related field. User can simply import institution, department, name card and designation from the excel file following the provided format.

How to import document? 

Step 1: Arrange data in excel file according to format provided. You can simple download the format by using ‘Click Here’ option.

Step 2. For Name Card, you also have to  select Institutions

Step 3.  And, select particular excel file from your computer.

Step 4. Then click ‘Import’ button and your data from excel file will be successfully imported in respective module.

Note: Format Should Match field of Institution table. 


Widget module is used for configuring the information in dashboard. User can simply enable to show particular info in dashboard and disabled if they do not what it in dashboard.

For Managing Profile and Signing Out

Apart from this functionality user can see their activity, change password and theme through  profile menu. User can sign out of the system. The below figure also shows the notification where every activity in the system is shown through notification.

To get this menu show, simply click the username available in top right of the display in system.